Quick Cropping with Canvas

Here’s a little tool that I thought would be useful and fun. The idea is, make something that let’s you crop an image quickly without having to load up photoshop, gimp, paint, anything. Just a quick website.
You can upload any file type that’s handled by the HTML5 img object. So far it seems to work with Jpg’s and it definitely downloads as a jpg.

Anyway it’s completely free. The source is embeded here and free to use for anyone who is interested. Very small open source free image cropping tool. It does require a mouse though.

I worked on this over memeorial day weekend. It seemed like a fun little project. Something to stretch my canvas skills just a bit.
Working in web development, I actually haven’t had much use for the canvas element, and reading the documentation and finding out how to get the selection box and the image upload was very satisfying. This isn’t much, but at least it’s something I can use in a pinch if I really need to.

This is a very well met need in the marketplace of apps, so this is more of a tool just for me. But if you found yourself looking for something like this. Feel free to use it up.