To-Do List App: Create a simple app that allows users to add, edit, and delete tasks. This will help you practice user input, data manipulation, and basic UI/UX design.
- Calculator: Develop a calculator with basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). This project will help you understand user input, functions, and conditional statements.
- Temperature Converter: Write a program that converts temperatures between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. This will help you learn about user input, data conversion, and basic math operations.
- Quiz App: Create a multiple-choice quiz app with a scoring system. This will introduce you to arrays, loops, and conditional statements.
- Hangman Game: Develop a simple text-based Hangman game that selects a random word and prompts the user to guess letters. This project will help you practice string manipulation, loops, and conditionals.
- Rock-Paper-Scissors: Write a program that plays the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game against the user. This project will teach you about random number generation, user input, and conditional statements.
- Palindrome Checker: Create a program that checks if a given word or phrase is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards). This will help you practice string manipulation and conditional statements.
- Number Guessing Game: Write a program that generates a random number and prompts the user to guess the number within a specific range. This project will introduce you to random number generation, user input, loops, and conditionals.
- Simple Chatbot: Develop a basic chatbot that responds to user input with pre-defined responses. This will help you practice string manipulation, conditional statements, and user input.
- Web Scraper: Write a program that scrapes data from a website and extracts specific information, such as headlines or product prices. This project will introduce you to web scraping, HTML parsing, and working with APIs or libraries.
- Issue Tracker: Make your own app similar to Jira or basecamp. Try to keep track of bugs or tasks you’re up to. It’s impressive, and useful as you move ahead with learning to program. There’s lot’s of storage in a database, and background organization that can happen here. But you don’t have to go all out, you can make a strictly front end solution that doesn’t store anything.