Here’s a fun calculator I cooked up to help me min max my Final Fantasy 6 character’s damage. I was able to find the damage calculations here. At least I think it was that website. I remember looking around at a few of them.
In the end I set it up so show the lowest and highest damage, where you can turn the flags on and off to see how that would change things.
I was definitely amazed by the more complicated things in there. It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough for a casual fan trying to find out if using an esper to boost your magic power, or vigor makes more sense.
I might come back to this one and finish it out. I know it’s missing some of the more esoteric and difficult to calculate interactions. And someday I was going to get it so you can select the weapon, and the character. Maybe I’ll get around to it some day.
But for someone who is interested they can look at their characters stats, enter them in, look up the enemies on a beaseary like this, and find out what kind of damage you can do.
Here’s a link to a bestiary and here’s a link to the weapons you could use